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Are Weighted Blankets Hot? A Hot Sleeper’s Guide
You've heard about all of the sleep benefits you can get from using a weighted blanket. While they sound calming and snuggly, you might wonder whether weighted blankets make you hot....

Deep Pressure Therapy: Why Weighted Blankets Work
Has excessive stress or tension ever kept you awake at night? When stress and tension interfere with your ability to rest and relax, deep pressure therapy can help. Also known...

Are Weighted Blankets Safe? Who Can Use Them and How
Weighted blankets can be a big help with problems like stress and insomnia. But some people wonder if there are side effects. Are weighted blankets safe, or could they be...

10 Best Weighted Blankets - From An Industry Insider (2023)
Most people don’t know what separates the best weighted blankets from shoddy knockoffs. The biggest differences in quality come from details of the manufacturing process that customers will never see....

Weighted Blanket During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Pregnancy can be a very exciting time for an expectant mother, but it can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Fortunately, weighted blankets are well-known for helping with...
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