Hush - Why this weighted blanket makes Americans sleep better

Why This Weighted Blanket
Helps Americans Sleep Better

Since I often feel anxious, using this amazing blanket helps immensely. I get a full night sleep and feel great in the morning!


If you’ve been feeling more anxious lately (and really, who hasn’t?). Or if you’re having trouble sleeping, it can really take its toll. You wake up feeling like you’re in a fog, that you have no energy to get through your day, or like you’re completely overwhelmed.

But have you ever tried a Hush weighted blanket?

You’ve probably heard about weighted blankets, but you may not be sure how they can help. The fact is: Hush weighted blankets can help you sleep better. Science backs it up. As do the 1000s of Hush reviews from our customers.

As an insomniac I have tried everything from white noise, to meds and melatonin, and I can honestly say my Hush blanket lets me get sleep, deeper sleep.


I had no idea what a weighted blanket could do for my sleep. I wasn't tossing and turning. I was comfortable and as cheesy as it is... like sleeping in a hug.


It worked like MAGIC. My anxiety, racing mind, and restless body melted away and I had the deepest, most rejuvenating sleep that I've had in months.


So what is the science behind weighted blankets?

They were actually invented to help people with anxiety, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, stress and insomnia. The reason it helps is thanks to the effects that DTPS, or Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation has on our hormones.

You've likely heard of cortisol. It's our fight or flight hormone, the one that can flood or drip into our system and make us feel scared or stressed. It also makes it difficult for us to fall asleep. DTPS can help reduce cortisol levels in our system to help us feel more calm.

Two or more hormones come into play here, too: serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is also known as our 'happy' hormone, and melatonin, our sleep hormone. Both of these hormones are released into our system when we experience DTPS.  

So what does DTPS have to do with
weighted blankets?

The answer is that weighted blankets can mimic the effects of DTPS. When you relax or sleep under a weighted blanket (15 to 30 pounds for adults) you start to feel calm, like your stress just starts to slip away.

In fact, studies have shown that when using a weighted blanket people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and experience the kind of sleep quality that helps them wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed and it’s affecting your sleep, you may want to try a Hush weighted blanket. The good news - besides that you’ll get a better sleep - is that Hush offers a 100-night guarantee and free shipping. So there’s no risk to you if you don’t like it.

Even better news? There’s blankets for people who like to sleep warm and cozy and blankets that are cool-to-the-touch for people who sleep hot.

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Why This
Weighted Blanket
Helps Americans
Sleep Better

Since I often feel anxious, using this amazing blanket helps immensely. I get a full night sleep and feel great in the morning!


If you’ve been feeling more anxious lately (and really, who hasn’t?). Or if you’re having trouble sleeping, it can really take its toll. You wake up feeling like you’re in a fog, that you have no energy to get through your day, or like you’re completely overwhelmed.

But have you ever tried a
Hush weighted blankets?

You’ve probably heard about weighted blankets, but you may not be sure how they can help. The fact is: Hush weighted blankets can help you sleep better. Science backs it up. As do the 1000s of Hush reviews from our customers.

As an insomniac I have tried everything from white noise, to meds and melatonin, and I can honestly say my Hush blanket lets me get sleep, deeper sleep.


I had no idea what a weighted blanket could do for my sleep. I wasn't tossing and turning, I was comfortable and as cheesy as it is... like sleeping in a hug.


It worked like MAGIC. My anxiety, racing mind, and restless body melted away and I had the deepest, most rejuvenating sleep that I've had in months.


So what is the science behind weighted blankets?

They were actually invented to help people with anxiety, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, stress and insomnia. The reason it helps is thanks to the effects that DTPS, or Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation has on our hormones.

You’ve likely heard of cortisol. It’s our fight or flight hormone, the one that can flood or drip into our system and make us feel scared or stressed. It also makes it difficult for us to fall asleep. DTPS can help reduce cortisol levels in our system to help us feel more calm.

Two more hormones come into play here, too: serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is also known as our ‘happy’ hormone, and melatonin is our sleep hormone. Both of these hormones are released into our system when we experience DTPS.

Deep touch pressure stimilatin

So what does DTPS have to
do with weighted blanket?

The answer is that weighted blankets can mimic the effects of DTPS. When you relax or sleep under a weighted blanket (15 to 30 pounds for adults) you start to feel calm, like your stress just starts to slip away.

In fact, studies have shown that when using a weighted blanket people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and experience the kind of sleep quality that helps them wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed and it’s affecting your sleep, you may want to try a Hush weighted blanket. The good news - besides that you’ll get a better sleep - is that Hush offers a 100-night guarantee and free shipping. So there’s no risk to you if you don’t like it.

Even better news? There's blankets for people who like to sleep warm and cozy and blankets that are cool-to-the-touch for people who sleep hot.

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