Introducing the Hush Rewards Loyalty Program

Introducing the Hush Rewards Loyalty Program

Date: Author: Jessica Kline

Starting from humble beginnings working in our homes with a tiny product line, to going on Dragons Den, to where we are today with our ever expanding product line, we have come quite a long way.

All that seems like just yesterday.

So how did we get here today? Was it because of our incredible team? Our genius brains? The great power of social media? Maybe a little bit but unimportant.

We got here because of you, our loyal customers.

So, starting September 14th, we have come up with a system that thanks you for supporting us, with real money. This is our way of showing you that we appreciate your support in ways as big as choosing one of our products to go in your home and in ways as small as following us on Instagram.

Here’s how it works.

First, sign up. The button to do so lives on our website, right next to the customer support chat. Here’s what it looks like on web and mobile.


Now you may already have an account, in which case just log in. With this account you will be connected to our Shopify store which also allows you to see your order history and track your future orders.

To sign up, all you have to do, is enter your name, email and password – points for creativity! (Just kidding, we can’t see your password anyways… but stop using your name followed by 5678 for everything you sign up for!) You will get a sign-up bonus just for completing this simple step.

If you do it before Sept. 16, 2020, then your sign-up bonus will be worth $40! You can use this $40 towards your next purchase from or 

Let’s talk about how this actually works. So, by completing certain tasks which can be found on our site by clicking that button I showed you above, you will receive Hush Bucks which will be stored in your account.

You can check how many Hush Bucks you’ve collected by logging in and clicking that “save on your order” button we talked about.

When you’re ready to turn your Hush Bucks into real money, click the “ways to redeem button”. Every 100 Hush Bucks is worth $1.

You can choose how many Hush Bucks you want to redeem at any time.

You can either redeem some and save the rest for later (in which case, you were definitely the kid who saved their Halloween candy every year so it lasted until the next). Or, you can redeem them all at once.

Once you redeem, you will get a special code that can be applied to your next purchase.


And there you go, that’s it! Happy saving!

Here's a little tutorial on how to set up your account:

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